Thank You Yahweh

The Rock of Central Florida   -  

1 Thessalonians 5:18 (ESV) 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

“Give thanks in all circumstances” sounds great but is not always easy to do.  We all have been in those valleys where things are not easy, it is overwhelming, and our emotions are desperate.  In those seasons it is difficult to smile let alone give thanks.  We may feel alone and wonder if Yahweh understands the wearisome time, you are walking through.

But He does see, and He has not forsaken or forgotten you.  Yahweh is the source of life you can draw from.  His command to “give thanks” is not about giving thanks for what you are facing, but thanking the One who will enable and strengthen you to endure it.  Yahweh is your River of life, your Supplier, your Way-maker.

So, as you start your day, give thanks!!!  Thank Yahweh with your praise, your worship, with your life.  Yes, tough seasons will come, and they will go, but our Father is always faithful and true. Unequivocally, those valleys will eventually become those mountain tops!  Thank you, Yahweh!