Hidden Revelation

The Rock of Central Florida   -  

However, as it is written: “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived” — the things God has prepared for those who love him—1 Corinthians 2:9

Revelation that has been hidden for generations is being revealed now. It is producing the best fruit and bringing healing waters to every area.

In Intercession recently I was reminded of a word Yahweh spoke this year, “Revelation that’s been hidden for generations will be revealed to the one willing to look.”

When I heard this at the beginning of the year I heard it as something that had been hidden for many, many generations and there is opportunity now for the one willing to look and see. YES. As I was reminded of this word in this time I hear it differently. I heard it as revelation hidden for generations, not one generation or two, but many generations. If there is one willing to see and look, and perceive and understand, it will be revealed for all the generations, the legacy! YES.

Both interpretations are correct because Yahweh God is multifaceted. Revelations is being revealed now, for healing and wholeness. It has been hidden, for such a time as this, and it is being revealed for all the generations before us. It is for now, before, and for what is coming. Olam!

Ascend beyond the linear thinking. Yahweh has great and wonderful things in store for the sons who love Him. Your mind cannot even conceive what is coming your way. He is about to show up and show off in you, for you, through you. If you could take a peek down the timeline and see what awesome wondersHe is going to show you, and take you to you may not even be able to comprehend it yet!

Get ready. Raise your hands to El Olam (the Everlasting God) and position yourself to see what your eye has never see and hear what your ear has never heard.