Don’t Miss The Moment

The Rock of Central Florida   -  

You are likely reading this from an app on your phone or tablet, or perhaps you’ve logged on from your computer. Point being, you have access to a virtual reality that coexists with reality. Today I want to challenge you not to trade reality for interactions on virtual reality.

What do I mean? How often do we sit on the same couch, around the same table, or in the same room as someone that we care about, but we both are on our phones? Whether it be scrolling through social media, checking an email, scrolling through photos, playing a game, or updating a setting, every day we somehow choose virtual reality over reality. We have this overwhelming need to fill every second with something. Just because the conversation stopped doesn’t mean you have to open up the app.

What does it cost you? It costs you a moment or moments with a person you care about. How many moments have you sold? How much time have you spent with a loved one without actually being present in your mind? How much of reality have you forsaken to engage in virtual reality? Consider that.

Time is a gift and how we use it is entirely up to us. I encourage you to make a change and be intentional with your time. Be present in the moment when you are with your loved ones. Rather than watch a monumental moment through your phone screen, a virtual reality, watch it with your eyes – it’s happening right in front of your face. When you sit down at night with your spouse, put your electronics away and give them your undivided attention. The text, Snapchat, social media notifications, video game, phone updates, and emails can wait! Don’t trade the reality Yahweh has blessed you with for the virtual reality that society is creating.

Consider the cost. Don’t miss the moment!