How Will You Handle The Whirlwind?
“When the whirlwind passes by, the wicked is no more, But the righteous has an everlasting foundation.”
Proverbs 10:25
My foundations are shaken, but they are firm. Can this statement be said of you? When the whirlwind comes, will you pass away or have an “everlasting foundation?” We are being called to build, but we cannot build on a weak foundation.
Now, once you have strengthened your own house, look around you to your brother and your sister. They need you. They need what you have. We need each other. Don’t have tunnel vision in this place. Be focused, but don’t ignore the family Yahweh has placed in your life.
If you need help, ask for it. If your foundation needs work, that’s okay. Your family is here for you. Yahweh needs you! You have value! You are strong, and you can make it!
I encourage you this week to not be shaken, but look forward, take the hand of your brother and sister beside you, and keep building on a firm foundation. Love you all!