Cloud by Day, Fire by Night
Today I come with encouragement and exhortation. Recently I watched a documentary about the story of the exodus when the Israelites are leaving Egypt. I’ve always loved this story and the faithfulness of our Father in it.
And the LORD went before them in a pillar of cloud to guide their way by day, and in a pillar of fire to give them light by night, so that they could travel by day or night. Neither the pillar of cloud by day nor the pillar of fire by night left its place before the people. Exodus 13:21-22
In their journey, Yahweh made sure there was a physical manifestation for them to see, hear, on their journey. He was very present, but in His faithfulness and grace His provision manifested in the natural. In the day it was a pillar of cloud to go before them, and in the night, it was a pillar of fire. Before the thousands of men, women, and children, this pillar of cloud or fire was before their eyes, undeniable and unquestionable. It was a constant, that He is ever faithful because that is the kind of God we serve.
Can you imagine the sound of the cloud moving before them? They had but to keep their eyes forward as it cleared the way and removed any obstacles in their path. Then, He didn’t leave them in the night to fend for themselves. The pillar of fire burned bright, showing the way. Even though this nation traveled through a wilderness that was hot and dry; the desert gets cold at night. Yahweh God had provision for even this because when He does a thing, it is complete with nothing lacking. He knows what is necessary, needed, and provides even more than that! He provided not only fire to light the way before them so that they could continue to move forward whether it be in day or night, but I imagine the heat that would come off this pillar providing warmth, and the brightness of His glory keeping at bay what may have come to harm in the night.
When Yahweh calls you, He does the thing! He has already thought of everything. He knows the cloud you need, or the fire required. He knows what is ahead, and what is around the corner. He knows the exact path to bring us so that His glory may be revealed in the earth through us! When our trust is in Him we have but to keep our eyes forward and on Him, and move according to His word. This doesn’t mean that we as sons have no responsibility, but rather we move according to His word- that’s our part. Remember that you serve a mighty God and He has exactly what you need in every leg of your journey.