
The Rock of Central Florida   -  

Yahweh is a jealous God! Time to re-focus!

“I am the LORD; that is my name; my glory I give to no other, nor my praise to carved idols.” Isaiah 42:8

The above statement is very bold and sounds very harsh. However, this is by no means meant as a rebuke but rather an encouragement! Sometimes, we can have the best of intentions in what we do but can easily let our Adam nature take over and lose sight of where are focus should be. 

Today, I offer you a simple, practical way to determine whether or not what you are doing has the right focus. 

Simply ask yourself, is what I’m doing meant to honor/benefit myself or is it meant to honor Yahweh? Yahweh has given us so much power that can be used to change the earth and the people in it. The counterfeit of the power He has given us is ALWAYS meant to benefit self. There are no exceptions to this. When we bring glory and focus to ourselves, this leads to bitterness, resentment, and a life void of joy.

The great news is, getting back to focus on Yahweh usually only requires a minor “course correction” on our part. Yahweh has grace for us to acknowledge a mistake and make the necessary change to get back on track. Remember, He is the focus and not us. Make Him the center of your world today!