Be Moved

The Rock of Central Florida   -  

(Acts 17:28)  “In him we live and move and have our being”

I come today with a quick word of encouragement for a time that I believe we are in as a house. I am not normally one who is inactive for long periods of time.  If there is not something that I need to do, I will find something to do so that I am not stagnant. There was a time when this was the right choice and the right mindset, but we have matured beyond that place. We do not move just to move, but we wait to “be moved” by Holy Spirit. Acts 17:28 says,

“In Him we live and move and have our being” 

When we are moving because of what we see, then we are not “in Him”. Once we center ourselves in Him, then we will be moved by Him and find our movements to be right and on time, and on purpose. So I encourage you today, not to move for movement sake, but be moved by the Father’ intent for you.